of Dollars
Recovered for
Injury Victims


Vaden Warren
is a leader in
Virginia trial law

You’ll always work one-on-one with attorney and firm founder Vaden Warren and his direct support staff. Vaden is President-Elect of The Virginia Trial Lawyers Association, a SuperLawyers award winner 7 years in a row now, and a speaker and writer to other Virginia attorneys.

25 years of
personal injury
law experience

Vaden has done nothing other than personal injury law his entire legal career. He knows the ins and outs of Virginia codes and procedures, as well as insurance company’s practices and pitfalls. He has seen it all.

Insurance companies
know our track
record of success

We will try cases in court. Some law firms are known for settling cases, but insurance companies know which lawyers will try cases in court and which ones will simply settle. Our firm is always prepared to go to trial!

You Will Work
Directly With
Attorney Warren

At our firm, we will be completely transparent and open with you about what is going on in your case throughout the entire process. You will never be left feeling out of the loop or in the dark – communication is key at The Warren Firm!

Charlottesville Car Accident Lawyer

Professional Car Accident Lawyers Serving Charlottesville, Virginia

We all know that auto accidents happen, but when they happen to us or a loved one, we often feel helpless and overwhelmed. If you were seriously injured in a car crash that was caused by someone else, you need to speak with a Charlottesville car accident attorney. Our experienced injury attorneys are available to prepare you for what to expect and ensure you know what is required each step of the way. Collecting fair compensation after a car crash requires a knowledge of the law and strict attention to detail. You can only collect payments if you can show that another party was solely to blame for the crash. To do this, you will need to obtain evidence, fit that evidence within the framework of the law, and describe how your losses were the product of that incident. The Warren Firm is ready to take the lead in your case to seek the compensation you need to set things right. Call us today to begin.

Our Practice Areas

Standing up for the Injured Since 1997

Filing Injury Claims in Virginia

Serving Injured Individuals in Albemarle County & Surrounding Areas

Regardless of the severity of an injury, the victim will not be able to recover compensation in most cases unless they are able to prove that the negligence, recklessness, or intentional wrongdoing of another caused the injuries. It is vital to collect and preserve evidence of this causation in order to establish liability.

Crash Course An In-Depth Guide to Automobile Injury Cases in Virginia
By: T Vaden Warren Jr.
Don't Take Our Word for It!
See What Our Past Clients Say About Us
Charlottesville, VA
$1,750,000 Nursing Home Sexual Assault
$1,750,000 Nursing Home Sexual Assault
Lancaster County, Virginia
$900,000 Car Accident
$900,000 Car Accident
Nelson County, Virginia
$900,000 Fatal Tractor Trailer Accident
$900,000 Fatal Tractor Trailer Accident
Richmond, VA
$750,000 Hit-and-Run Car Accident
$750,000 Hit-and-Run Car Accident

Damages for Injury Claims in Charlottesville

Our Charlottesville Auto Accident Lawyers Know How To Help

The moments following a car crash are essential to protecting your legal rights as well as your health. There are a few simple things that you can do to limit the impact of the event on your future and preserve your right to legal compensation. Even if you do not believe that you are hurt, always seek out medical care. This can include a trip in an ambulance or making one’s way to an emergency room. Only a medical professional can diagnose an injury and make the necessary connection between that injury and one’s involvement in a traffic accident. It is also essential that you contact law enforcement. A responding police officer will create a report that is an unbiased summary of the events that led to the collision and is a vital piece of evidence in each car crash case. In addition, Commonwealth law requires those involved in collisions to call the police if there is any property damage or personal injury. Failing to do so could both harm a claim for compensation and result in legal trouble.

Collect Evidence At The Scene

Finally, collect as much evidence as possible from the scene of the incident. The time following the crash is the only chance to take pictures and video. It is also an opportunity to obtain information about witnesses who may have observed the collision. As a plaintiff, you bear the burden of proving fault for a crash. Taking every possible opportunity to obtain more evidence is essential to this process. A Charlottesville car accident attorney could provide more advice to individuals about how they can help improve their odds for compensation following a crash.

What Are Common Injuries From Car Crashes?

Sometimes auto accidents, especially those on I-64 and other major freeways, can lead to catastrophic injuries such as traumatic brain injuries and spinal cord injuries, or in particularly tragic cases, wrongful death. Some other common injuries that victims of auto accidents may experience include:
  • Bruises - Bruises, while not particularly serious, can be very painful and can occur if you were slammed around in the vehicle
  • Soft tissue injuries - This type of injury occurs when a muscle, ligament, or tendon is stretched and can include whiplash
  • Cuts or contusions - These can range from minor scrapes to serious injuries, and can be caused by loose items flying around the car during your accident
  • Head injuries - This could include muscular injuries or even brain injuries, depending on the severity of your accident
Regardless of what type of injury you sustained, a Charlottesville car accident attorney can help you obtain the maximum compensation you need to help ensure that your present and future needs are met. We only accept a limited amount of personal injury cases so you can be sure that your matter will receive our undivided attention.

Tips For Dealing With Insurance Adjusters In Charlottesville

Every driver in Virginia must retain insurance on their vehicles. This means that your crash will involve both your and the at-fault driver’s insurance companies and adjusters. There are a few things to remember when dealing with insurance adjusters and other representatives. Only provide enough information to the other driver’s company for representatives to open a file on the case. Presume that your conversations are being recorded and never sign any paperwork without the advice of a local attorney. Inconsistent statements or information that go against the interest of an injured individual is a common reason for insurance companies to deny payments. Additionally, insurance companies cannot talk directly with people who have legal representation. Hiring an auto accident lawyer in Charlottesville allows you to have a representative to speak with the insurance companies and help you control the narrative of the claim.

Questions To Ask Insurance Companies After An Accident

Even though it is best to proceed with caution when dealing with insurance companies after a collision, there are still a few questions that might benefit you to ask. A person’s insurance policy must contain provisions for personal injury protection or PIP. It is essential to speak with an insurance company to ensure that this account provides payments for your initial medical treatment. An insurance company may also have a set network of repair shops for individuals to bring their vehicle after an accident. Talking with an insurance adjuster could help to ensure that initial repairs are covered under a policy. Finally, you should inquire if there is any information that you can provide to your provider about the accident. Submitting a police report, pictures, or video could help bring a case to a quicker resolution. However, be sure only to share this information with your company and never the other driver’s representation. A Charlottesville car accident attorney could provide more information about the proper way to interact with insurance companies following a collision.

Contributory Negligence Law

Virginia has a law known as the "contributory negligence" rule, which prevents victims of a car wreck from collecting damages if they played any part in causing the crash; no matter how small that part may have been. Because of this law, it is extremely important that you consult a professional lawyer in Charlottesville before filing your lawsuit for your car wreck. A local lawyer can help you determine whether or not you have a case, and how best to approach filing your claim.

Stay Informed with Our Blog

Virginia Business magazine has announced the Virginia 500: The 2023-24 Power List, naming Vaden Warren among
Winter weather often brings snow and ice, both of which can be tricky for drivers
The Wall Street Journal reported in December 2008 that the number of uninsured motorists is

Demonstrating Fault After A Car Crash

To reiterate, injured individuals always bear the burden of proving fault after a car accident. You and your legal representation can provide fault in two main ways. The first involves showing that a driver violated a rule of the road that led to an accident. If the other driver was speeding, texting while driving, or drunk behind the wheel, evidence of these violations could be potent proof of that driver’s fault in a collision. The second requires the injured party to prove that another’s simple carelessness caused the incident. Just because a driver was not breaking a rule of the road does not mean that he or she was not responsible for the crash. A car accident lawyer in Charlottesville could take the lead in discovering evidence of careless driving and parlaying it into a potent demand for compensation.

Statute Of Limitations For Car Collisions In Charlottesville And On I-64

Filing an injury claim for your auto accident can help you obtain compensation for:
  • Medical bills
  • Rehabilitative care
  • Pain and suffering
  • Lost wages
  • Property damage
The state of Virginia limits your ability to bring your car crash claim to court through their statute of limitations. According to the Code of Virginia section, 8.01-244 injured victims have up to 2 years after their accident to bring their claim to court. If they attempt to file their lawsuit after the two years have elapsed, they run the risk of having their lawsuit dismissed.

Hire A Charlottesville Car Accident Attorney Today

Receiving fair compensation following a personal injury that results from a car accident is never a guarantee. In fact, the law requires that you prove both that another driver was to blame for the crash and demonstrate how the event has changed your life. This could include physical injuries, emotional traumas, and lost income due to being left unable to work. The outcome of this case will impact your immediate future and long-term finances. Attorney Warren has over 20 years of experience, during which time he has recovered millions of dollars in compensation and taken more than 100 injury cases to verdict. This means that if your matter fails to be resolved in mediation and negotiation talks with the insurance company, he is ready and willing to take your case to court for the compensation you rightfully need and deserve. His solid litigation skills and aggressive courtroom tactics could make all of the difference in your case. Reach out today to schedule a private consultation with our experienced Charlottesville car accident attorneys.

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